Monday, 11 May 2015

Spooky Number

As, we are following the trails of the numbers, we come to know strange things about them. But, believe me, no thing is as strange as this characteristic is.

What, you have to do is,
1. Take any four digit number. (Leading zero is permitted. But, all four digits can't be same.)
2. Arrange the digits in the number in the descending order. Consider this new number as M.
3. Arrange the digits in the number in the ascending order. Consider this new number as N.
4. Subtract N from M.
5. Go to Step 2 and repeat this procedure with the answer you got from subtraction.

You may take any number whatsoever. But, with certain series of repeating this procedure, you will always end up with one number. Which will then, keep repeating itself.

Isn't it spooky?
You take any number and still you will end up with the same number after certain operations. This number is known as Kaprekar's constant. And the above procedure is called Kaprekar's routine.

You, after taking a single number and repeating the procedure for n number of times, you will get to the answer. But, in this puzzle, it is not about getting the answer. It is about learning the strange characteristic.

This Kaprekar's constant has been given name from an Indian Mathematician Dr. D.R. Kaprekar. He has given Kaprekar, Harshad and Self Numbers. You can learn more about the mathematician and various numbers he came up with, with the help of Internet. All the best to you. Research More and More. And, if you have any idea about such strange numbers, come up with those.

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